ENSIC is managed by a board who:

  • With regards to pedagogy: provides an opinion about students’ recruitment and defines the pedagogical programme
  • With regards to research: defines the research programme as part of Université de Lorraine policy
  • With regards to finance: discusses and agrees on the school’s budget, introduced by the Dean and ensures its execution
  • Suggests the nomination of the School’s Dean to the Minister of Education


The Board of ENSIC is composed of:

  • 12 teachers-researchers and individuals of equivalent status
  • 3 technical and administrative staff representatives
  • 6 students
  • 12 external individuals :
    -6 business ambassadors
    - 6 representative members of the local community, the CNRS, preparatory classes for higher education and individuals chosen by the President of The Council. Representatives of the Université de Lorraine, Vice Deans and laboratories are also included on the board of elected people.